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Microlife WatchBP O3 ABPM

ID:W26891 , B980201-3
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This is a non-returnable, special purchase item

The WatchBP O3 is a professional 24-hour ABPM that is advanced, user friendly and highly affordable

The Microlife WatchBP O3 (Out-of-Office) is a highly afforable and clinically validated 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitor.

In addition to providing 24 ABPM measurements, the WatchBP O3 is also embedded with 7 day home measurement mode that strictly follows ESH and AHA measurement guidelines; as a result, the device serves as a complete Out-of-Office blood pressure measurement device.


• Dimensions: 115 x 80 x 35mm
• Weight: 260g (including batteries)
• Measuring procedure: Oscillometric, corresponding to Korotkoff
• Measurement range: 30 - 280mmHg blood pressure, 40 - 200bpm pulse
• Cuff pressure range: 0 - 299mmHg

Warranty: 5 years


• Fully programmable 24 hour blood pressure measurement
• 7 day SBPM mode for collecting self-measurement data
• Lightweight and compact for improved patient comfort
• 50 data memory for pill intake recordings and 250 memories for BP measurements
• Night time measurement for taking readings during sleep
• Silent mode option for quiet measurements
• Suitable for use diabetes patient, during pregnancy and children over 3 years
• PC connectivity allows the user to transmit BP measurement data to any PC via USB connectivity

Product Data
Brand Microlife