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Accutrend Control Lactate

IDD2131, 11447335190

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This is a non-returnable, special purchase item

£41.75  inc VAT

For performance checks of the Accutrend Plus meter using Accutrend Lactate strips.

This control solution is for testing the performance of your meters. This should be done in the following situations:

• When learning how to measure cholesterol
• After changing the meters batteries
• After starting a new pack of test strips
• After recalibrating your meter
• After cleaning your meter
• If you have reason to doubt the validity of a result

Each test strip has a test area containing detection reagents. Then the control is applied, a chemical reaction takes place and the test area changes colour. The meter records the change in colour and converts this to a displayed result.


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Product Data
Brand Other Brands
Temp Requirements 15-30°
Storage Conditions Store between 2-30°